Solid development of strategic emerging industries, new materials industry will usher in rapid expansion


The Central Economic Work Conference ended on the 12th in Beijing. The conference emphasized that one of the major tasks of the economic work in 2011 is to accelerate the strategic adjustment of the economic structure, enhance the coordination and competitiveness of economic development, and solidly develop strategic emerging industries.
Shi Dingyi, the counselor of the State Council and chairman of the China Renewable Energy Society, believes that China’s economic growth in the future will be mainly driven by strategic emerging industries and modern service industries. The mode of economic growth will shift from an extensive model relying on resource input to a model relying on scientific and technological innovation. . China has gradually grown into a big manufacturing country in the world by introducing capital, technology, and low-cost advantages. However, large but not strong has always been a weakness in development. Many key technologies, large-scale complete sets of equipment, core components, and important basic parts are all dependent on it. import. In the future, accelerating the strategic adjustment of the economic structure and optimizing and upgrading the industry will be of great significance in enhancing the level of sustainable economic development in China.
The seven strategic emerging industries identified at this Central Economic Work Conference include energy conservation and environmental protection, a new generation of information technology, biology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, and new energy vehicles. According to industry insiders, from the perspective of major policies, the meeting emphasized restructuring, expanding domestic demand, promoting the development of new industries, and will bring new energy, consumption, agriculture, water conservancy and high-tech sectors.
In addition, people in the industry believe that new materials are the cornerstone of the five major industries of energy conservation and environmental protection, new generation of information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, and new energy vehicles. There are relatively few speculations in the early stage and the investment space is relatively large. It is expected that in the coming period, the annual growth rate of China's new material industry market will remain at more than 20%, which is expected to stimulate more funds to intervene, thereby further accelerating the pace of expansion.
It is understood that the downstream industries of the new materials industry cover a wide range of fields including automobiles, aerospace equipment, communications equipment, home appliances, IT industry, real estate, transportation, and urban construction. The above fields in China are currently in a period of rapid development. The demand for materials is huge. As China is gradually becoming the world's manufacturing center, new materials as the material basis of manufacturing will surely be driven by its strong market demand and face a good opportunity for historic development.

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