· One hammering sound: car e-commerce is still at the stage of exploration


The Chinese are really creative. One November 11th, which has no meaning, is called the Singles Day. It has also become a grand festival for crazy online shopping, referred to as the “Double 11” festival.
I got a friend to join in the fun, spent more than 2,000 yuan on the double 11 this day to buy a digital camera, I thought it was much cheaper. Searched on Baidu, it was only 50 yuan cheaper than two months ago. This should be an old saying in China, bought no fine.
This year's double 11 festivals, Tmall and Jingdong and other online shopping platforms once again set a record high price. Cars and car homes such as the car and car homes, car orders and amounts are far more than the previous year, setting a new record.
After the double 11 last year, I wrote a column to hammer the sound, the title is: the car e-commerce can not be overestimated. This view is still adhered to this year. China's so-called auto e-commerce, the main role of the current is only propaganda, advertising, gathering customers, and far from the real car e-commerce, still in the exploration stage.
Why auto manufacturers pay attention to e-commerce In the past one or two years, auto manufacturers have attached great importance to e-commerce, and many auto dealers have a soft spot for some vertical auto websites. SAIC Group invested in the establishment of Chexiang.com, which is engaged in the promotion of e-commerce of various brands of SAIC. Dongfeng Nissan has set up a digital marketing department to promote sales based on online car buying leads. Many auto manufacturers open their own products in online stores such as Easy Car, Auto House, Tmall, and Jingdong.
This year's car participation in car e-commerce activities is very rich. There are 114 brands in the “Huibu” platform under the company, and more than 600 models are on sale. The car home also attracted 72 car brands to participate in the sale of 3,838 models, 7352 dealers from 368 cities participated in its activities.
Geely Automobile started the automobile e-commerce in the domestic auto manufacturers, and established the car purchase electronic mall in the car home and Yiche.com respectively. Chen Hongsheng, deputy general manager of Geely Automobile Sales Co., told reporters that the biggest advantage of auto e-commerce is the large number of consumers. The consumers who visit the Geely Mall have tens of thousands of people every day, and the average stay time is 3 minutes. And a Geely entity 4S shop, the average number of people arriving at the store every day is five or sixty. Increased sales of 4S stores through the purchase of clues provided by the e-commerce platform. Chen Hongsheng believes that the main function of the current price segment of car e-commerce is to attract the attention of consumers, the promotion of car brands, and the gathering of online popularity. A Geely dealer, the vehicle currently acquired through the e-commerce platform has accounted for one-fifth of the total sales. In the case of fierce market competition, the e-commerce platform has added a sales channel to car dealers.
A dealer friend in Henan told me that through the car e-commerce, the number of customers who went to the store was greatly increased, and the sales volume was increased accordingly.
What is a real car e-commerce Many people have bought things in Tmall, Jingdong, Dangdang and Amazon. According to the standard online shopping program, all transactions such as purchase, payment, receipt, and transaction can be completed on the computer or on the mobile phone.
At present, domestic auto e-commerce, in addition to online orders, car, test drive, installment payment, payment, pick up the car, invoicing, etc., all need consumers to solve the 4S shop online. Auto e-commerce is not a complete e-commerce, only a small part of the entire process of buying a car on the Internet.
This year, the car home made an attempt to “purchase the whole car”. The whole payment sold 2,488 cars, with sales of 223 million yuan, accounting for 6.7% of the total sales. The car home believes that this is an attempt by e-commerce to start a “true e-commerce” transaction in the automotive field.
In fact, even if the full payment, it only completes a small part of the whole process of car trading, far from the real car e-commerce.
In addition, we must also see that consumers paying the full amount, many models purchased are parallel imported cars without after-sales service guarantee.
The so-called parallel imported cars refer to the Middle East or American version of the car imported by some domestic traders from overseas markets without the authorization of the brand manufacturer. Parallel imported cars are not sold through 4S stores, and they are not guaranteed by the after-sales service of auto manufacturers. Because these cars are strictly used cars, they are purchased from overseas markets rather than car manufacturers, and car manufacturers are certainly not responsible for after-sales service.
Although the price of parallel imported cars is about 15% lower than that of 4S stores, because these American cars or Middle Eastern cars do not meet Chinese standards, there will be many problems in future use and maintenance. After all, the car is a durable consumer product. The life of a car is less than three or five years, and more than ten years. If you can't provide good after-sales service, such a car can't be bought cheaply.
Automotive e-commerce is the development trend With the advent of the Internet era, automotive e-commerce is a development trend as a whole. However, the current domestic car e-commerce is still at the stage of exploration.
Some articles have analyzed that the current dual 11 car e-commerce is still an advertising war. More relying on "promotion", "Buy price" and other methods to attract auto orders, is not a "normal" car sales. The problem it solves is the dealer's inventory processing, brand promotion, and sales at the end of the year. Today's car e-commerce platform, a bit like the online annual car fair, many brands of cars online, also launched preferential prices, thus attracting consumers' attention. The double 11 car e-commerce is similar to the Beijing Auto Show (microblogging) and the Shanghai Auto Show.
In the opinion of industry experts, at this stage, car e-commerce needs to integrate into the existing car ecology, find their own participation points and gradually establish a true normal mode. How to break through the existing car sales model with the help of the Internet requires car companies, the Internet and dealers to explore together.
At present, almost 100% of passenger cars in China are sold to consumers through special dealerships. Unlike other products, the sales of auto e-commerce are based on 4S stores, and the success of sales depends on the results of communication between consumers and 4S stores.
Online shopping is characterized by lower circulation costs, and car e-commerce currently does not seem to be able to do this. In addition, for the Chinese, buying a car is a big deal, and it is the property of the family that is second only to the house. Buying a car is not as simple as buying a few pairs of socks online.
In view of the uniqueness and complexity of automotive products, the current function of automotive e-commerce is mainly to provide clues to purchase cars through e-commerce platforms, to increase brand awareness, or to collect deposits. To be like a foreign automobile developed country, to book a car, pay, pick up a car, and complete a real e-commerce, I am afraid it will take a long time to develop. Even if real car e-commerce is realized, the integration of online and offline is indispensable.

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