· Why did the car become the hardest hit in 3.15: the secret behind those


“3·15” finally came to an end – the companies and public relations companies that were not named were finally relieved; the companies that were named were afraid that they would not sleep for a night, and their hearts would be unwilling; “watchers” should talk about it. Or ridicule or swearing; and most media, gearing up, looking forward to another "big act" on March 15th.
Of course, on the day of March 15th, the most powerful thing is the "3·15" party. Last night, the "3·15" party was directed at the auto industry. The first thing that was exposed was the car 4S shop maintenance and charging. The companies involved included Dongfeng Nissan, Shanghai Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz. In the program, CCTV reporters set up the same simple fault (the ignition coil plug is loose, the system is repaired), and the experience of the after-sales maintenance of Dongfeng Nissan, Shanghai Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz 4S shop in 22 provinces has been investigated. The number of overhauls was as high as 16 times, accounting for 73%.
4S shop indiscriminate charging phenomenon does exist, but with the rise of new homes such as door-to-door maintenance, it can be said that 4S stores are also facing enormous challenges and pressures. The fortress is broken from its own. Without the impact of a new industry, even if the media is exposed again, it is difficult to really reform. Nowadays, if the 4S shop wants to survive, it must keep up with the times and learn the Internet thinking. Consumers are gods.
The second one was exposed to oil quality issues, which are also closely related to the automotive industry. Unfortunately, CCTV allowed us to see the process of fraud, but did not see where these fake oils flowed. Such reports are tantamount to self-playing and self-singing "one-man show". The consumers who are the protagonists are not actually Inside the play.
The real weight is the problem of the Land Rover Aurora gearbox. Whether it is a temporary substitute or not, the Aurora, which has just been listed in China, will face a head start. In the video shot by CCTV, the aurora that had the problem was either turned on and suddenly turned off, or the reverse gear failed. How to deal with this "crisis" is a tough challenge for Chery Jaguar Land Rover. The relevant person in charge of Chery Jaguar Land Rover said in an interview that the 9-speed gearbox of the domestic model has been upgraded and fits well. However, whether such a response can restore the trust of consumers requires time inspection.
This is an era of sorrow and an era of entertainment to death. On the one hand, people expect the media to expose more shady scenes; on the other hand, people are skeptical about the shady exposure of the media. On the one hand, people have traps everywhere; on the other hand, people don't know who the victims are. People don't believe in business, but people don't trust the media. "3·15 is not a holiday for consumers, it is a holiday for CCTV." An industry insider said.
People's doubts are not without reason. On the "3·15 party" that specializes in counterfeiting, the advertisements of major brands are publicly broadcast. Such advertisements can also be called "protection fees." When people expect the Sagitar issue to appear at the party, the first advertisement before the party is just the sagitar "true quality", so naked money "confession", it is really hard not to question the credibility of CCTV. .
Therefore, the brand that is exposed must be wary, and the brand of advertising should be vigilant.
In fact, as an industry with a very high degree of marketization, the automotive industry is highly competitive. In order to establish and develop, each brand has tried its best to make the best use of quality and price. Moreover, the car consumption process is very intuitive, and it is difficult to see traps and shady scenes that consumers don't know. In contrast, the monopolistic industries of banking, food, medicine and communications, the traps and shady scenes are so shocking and worthy of further exploration and exposure.
If we only use "3·15" as a platform for advertising and media revenue generation, it is destined to be a media carnival without consumers applauding. Because on the "3·15" platform, no matter the car manufacturers, consumers, media, are the protagonists, whoever is likely to be placed under the microscope of time, see clearly.

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